Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Holidays with baby.

UPDATE: I will be updating more frequently but for now the following post is from 12/14/10...
Sorry it's been such a long time since our last post! Extra time is rare these days. Jonah has been an excellent shopping companion but can only stay out a couple hours at a time which means the Dukes have done a lot of online shopping this year.

Since our last post Jonah had his first Halloween, Thanksgiving and black Friday. He starting eating rice cereal and had his first vegetable, sweet potato, on Thanksgiving! He loves them. He prefers sweet potato much more to carrots.

Some on Jonah's development. Jonah has been talking a lot lately. He puts his chin to his chest and likes to go "ba ba ba ba ba". He now can roll over easily from tummy to back (he hates being on this stomach!) and from back to tummy by grabbing onto something. Not sitting up by himself yet but that is quickly approaching! He is crunchmaster right now. He is reaching for people now too!

Here are his current likes and dislikes.
Likes: farting noises, mommy acting like she's passing out from his stinky feet, peekaboo, grabbing everything that mommy and daddy are holding, grabbing grandma's face, being held (all of the time), jumping in his jumparoo, being tickled, mommy acting like a zombie and "eating" his neck, funny faces and voices and being sung to.
Dislikes: generally being strapped down (swing, bouncer, carseat) he is bucking out of everything, having his face wiped clean, carrots, strangers, laying down, and it seems like he gets frustrated when his toys don't produce milk for him.

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